Model TS-1

TS-1 Temperature Sensor
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Temperature Sensor
The TS-1 Temperature Sensor provides the RFC-1 remote control system with a means to monitor air temperature. Common applications are monitoring transmitter building temperature to ensure that HVAC systems are working and monitoring outside air temperature to watch for icing conditions.
There are two versions of the TS-1.
- Model TS-1 consists of a single temperature sensor
- Model TS-1/PS consists of the temperature sensor and a power supply
One power supply can power several temperature sensors. If two or more sensors will be installed at a location, use one TS-1/PS and use TS-1 for the others.
The output signal from the TS-1 is suitable for direct connection to the RFC-1/B. The sensor generates a low voltage that is directly proportional to the temperature.
Temperature Range
The TS-1 measures temperatures from about 5° to over 200° Fahrenheit. With a slight modification the useful range can be shifted down so that readings below 0° Fahrenheit can be read. The modification is discussed in the product manual.
The standard version of the TS-1 measures temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. A Celsius version is available by request and may require a short lead time.
Damp Locations
The TS-1 can be mounted in any suitable dry location. For damp locations order WPC-1 Weatherproofing Capsule to insulate the sensor from moisture.